Alrite exams are over and for tiggers taking Os chinese, JIA YOU JIA YOU okay? haha! And boy im second... lost to daren in blogging first... HAIZ!!! Oh yea anyway heres for a good laugh...
So-peachy!:(By daren) Describes a bitchy person
Hui gu-niang:(IN CHINESE-By daren oso) Basically it also refers to him
She sa-sa-sa She sa-sa:( A cheer ended up a joke)
Xin niang:(IN CHINESE) Um ask jeremy
Hum Sup:(IN CANTONESE) Dirty-minded
Alrite this is some new terms tt the tiggers are using! So to be updated, start using them now! and i mean now! LOL!
Alrite here are new ways to identify the tiggers...
Aha Aha Aha Aha Aha Aha Hur has been simplified-(I mean the mathematics simplify) to simply Hurrrrrr! Alrite so if u see ppl on the streets Hurr-ing, u noe who they are... THE TIGGATIGGERS!!
Alrite time's up, my air time is over... its over to the rest! Hope u enjoyed this post!
Yours Truly,
WITH LOADS OF KISSES(MUACKS! Ohnonono! im so not jeremy and daren)
NO KISSES! JUST Ermmmmm... Lo....loveeee... Okay its not "love" its loveeeee which totally makes no sense at all! Okay im crapping! Bye!
CYa and work hard TIGGERS! Oh yea ma yi, congrats on being the only existing chorale member ;) we are all alumni alr... left u... ONLY YOU... Okay i'll find the only you song okay? This is for u ma yi! Hurrr
©All of these belong to the TIGGATIGGERS... So dun copy us! Don be a poser! Hurrrrr! =))