Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Okay i guess this is a new hot topic... we have so many ppl toking bout stalking and all... So everyone WELCOME to TIGGATIGGER News LIVE! (Actually its not live cos by the time i have finished typing this post, i would have logged out... K lets ignore the LIVE PART shall we and lets continue...) Uh Hmm, im Eugene Q a.k.a TT4 bringing this topic to u live.

STALKERS never show their face... They stalk(Duh!) if they show their faces can we still call them stalkers? WTH! nope! HAHHAAHA! alrite, how do u identify them?

1) They appear as annonymous on ur tagboards... They for some unknown reason wish to be unnamed and sandy knows why! LoL
2) They try to read ur blogs, act like smart ass, preferring to act like they know everything and say "i smart wat..." OH MY SANDY! Get a life!

ALERT: If u have those symptoms, fear not... We have a cure and the cure is for u to start by revealing who u r! STEP 1: conquer this step by being 'visible' to all... And STEP 2: FOR SANDY'S SAKE, admit it, u have read information from blogs! OKAY... These are initial steps to overcome... FOR more, call us at 1800-call tiggatiggers!

Okey, DISCLAIMER: i have no intention of shooting or suaning anyone for tt matter! IM just discussing a hot topic within the tiggatiggers okay..

WE WELCOME any new information tt u have about stalkers so please drop us a msg on the tagbox or e-mail us @__________ sorry, tag us first and we will entertain u by giving out our e-mails only and if only u r not a stalker! HURR! OKAY cya dudes

Wishing all babes a happy hols, NOT FORGETTING THE REST! HEE


Yours truly,
Annonymous(Wth i no stalker la!)
Eugene (:

Cya around and im eugene... Thank for reading tiggatigger NEWS LIVE! Hur! Goodbye and have a nice(super nice) day (:

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